The Site

The Proposed Development site comprises approximately 55 hectares of low-grade agricultural land, 40 hectares of which will be utilised for planting and wildlife enhancements with the solar scheme and associated infrastructure covering the remaining 15 hectares.

The site lies on the northern outskirts of the town of Forfar. The nearest postcode is DD8 3NH.

The site includes 8 field parcels consisting of lower grade 3.2 agricultural land.

There are no residential buildings within the development site red line boundary. 

The fields all feature hedgerow boundaries interspersed with trees. All these natural assets will be retained and protected.

The Proposals 

The proposed layout of the 40 hectares of green infrastructure and 15 hectares of solar arrays is shown below:

The solar arrays will be of a tracker design meaning they slowly tilt throughout the day to track the path of the sun. This improves their efficiency but in turn means they are lower in profile for most of the day than standard fixed tilt panels (which remain a constant height in perpetuity). The maximum height of the panels from the ground to tip will be 2.6m (regular fixed tilt panels stand on average 3.15m in height) but this will only occur during the start and end of each day when the panels are at their maximum 35 degree tilt angle. For most of the time the panels will be lower in height as they tilt to a ‘flatter’ position. Indeed, when completely flat during the middle of the day the panels will stand no higher than 1.8m tall (that’s equivalent to the height of a standard garden fence and almost halve the hight of a standard fixed solar array).

The proposed development also requires the following supporting infrastructure:

  • Substations and transformers which will be held in containers.
  • CCTV on 3m poles directed away from residential property.
  • 2.1m high security fence and gates.
  • Distribution Network Operator (DNO) and client substation, including internal connective cable routes.
  • Battery Storage System 
  • Internal access tracks.

In addition to the solar arrays, the proposed development will provide an expansive network of ecological and landscape enhancements. Strategic Landscape and Ecological Enhancement, Management Plans will be submitted with any future planning application.


The construction of the proposed Solar Farm will typically take around 6 months. A typical running order of the proposed works is as follows:

  • Escorted convoys from an off-site reception compound are proposed to maximise road traffic safety.

• Erection of security fencing;
• Construction of temporary site compounds and hardstanding; 

• Delivery of components and materials;
• Installation of battery units and associated infrastructure;
• Cable works and grid connection; and
• Reinstatement works and demobilisation from Application Site. 

Operation and decommissioning

The equipment will be remotely monitored to ensure the development is working as expected and routine maintenance visits will take place consisting of between 20-30 Light Goods Vehicles (LGVs = Small Vans) per year, with additional visits required to attend to remedial issues when necessary. The operational access point will use an access directly off Suttieside Road. 

The proposed new hedgerows, trees and biodiversity habitats will be monitored and managed throughout the solar farm lifetime to ensure biodiversity gain is maximised and protected.

Upon decommissioning, all elements of the development will be completely removed and either recycled or reused. It is expected that the decommissioning process should have an allowance of 1 year to cater for any unforeseen delays that could be experienced. Following decommissioning the land will be fully restored to agricultural use. 


/ Public Consultation